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  • Publication
    The Triple Bottom Line for Efficiency: Integrating Systems Within Water and Energy Networks
    Energy and water have been integrated throughout most of modern history, and that linkage will continue into the future, not only in the physical infrastructure but also through digital infrastructure (e.g., the Internet of Things). The term energy-water nexus is quickly expanding to refer to more than simply water used for energy production and energy used for water treatment and transport. Just as the energy grid is changing-becoming more flexible and resilient and providing energy-efficiency gains-the water network is also changing. The integration of these two systems can provide optimization and opportunities that would not otherwise be possible. This integration of "electrons and molecules" is being enabled by advances in Internet connectivity and wireless communications, so that energy in all its forms can be employed most effectively by end users to optimize efficiency, reliability, security, economics, and environmental performance.
      30Scopus© Citations 11