Now showing 1 - 2 of 2
  • Publication
    Quadratic forms and four partition functions modulo 3
    (De Gruyter, 2011-02) ;
    Recently, Andrews, Hirschhorn and Sellers have proven congruences modulo 3 for four types of partitions using elementary series manipulations. In this paper, we generalize their congruences using arithmetic properties of certain quadratic forms.
  • Publication
    Rank and crank moments for overpartitions
    We study two types of crank moments and two types of rank moments for overpartitions. We show that the crank moments and their derivatives, along with certain linear combinations of the rank moments and their derivatives, can be written in terms of quasimodular forms. We then use this fact to prove exact relations involving the moments as well as congruence properties modulo 3, 5, and 7 for some combinatorial functions which may be expressed in terms of the second moments. Finally, we establish a congruence modulo 3 involving one such combinatorial function and the Hurwitz class number H(n).
      267Scopus© Citations 46