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  • Publication
    International Symposium on Cereal Leaf Blights (ISCLB) 2019: Book of Abstracts
    International Symposium on Cereal Leaf Blights is one of the most important conferences for the Cereal Blight Community including academics, researchers, agency partners and commercial breeders. The Symposium aims to bring together the whole research community - not just in academia but also in research centres and institutes and across government and agency organisations - with an interest in a wide variety of issues around cereal leaf blights. Over the course of three days, we participate in extensive debate and discussion across our seven Symposium topics: Evolution and Population Biology, Cultural management, fungicide resistance and epidemiology, Pathogen Functional Genetics and Genomics, Host-Pathogen Interactions, Host genetics and Resistance Breeding, Secondary Metabolism and Physiology and Special Topics.