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  • Publication
    Bridging the gap between theory and practice in creativity education
    This paper presents the findings of an inter-disciplinary literature review that seeks to provide an evidence-base from which discipline specific and cross-disciplinary modules aimed at nurturing and developing creativity can be developed. The review focuses on identifying theoretical frameworks guiding the pedagogy of creativity as well as on the environmental conditions that are associated with greater levels of creativity in student learning.  The paper will present an overview of key theoretical frameworks (e.g. investment theory and design thinking) as well as an evaluation of the empirical research on the environmental factors that have been demonstrated as influencing student creative development.  Amongst these are tolerance of and exposure to: risk, cycles of divergent and convergent thinking, an active learner-centred approach to education, rewarding originality, learning from failure and experimentation and an acceptance of diversity.  The paper will also discuss methods of assessment and their influence on student creativity.  The paper will offer a critical reflection on our understanding of the pedagogy of creativity and point to directions for future work in this important area. 