O'Grady, Michael J.
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O'Grady, Michael J.
Official Name
O'Grady, Michael J.
Research Output
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- PublicationJust-in-time multimedia distribution in a mobile computing environmentDisseminating multimedia content to users in a mobile computing environment such that they receive it in an appropriate and timely manner is fundamental to the success of mobile information systems. Too often, however, this endeavour is hindered by the poor data rates supported by wireless telecommunications networks and by the limited computational resources available on mobile devices. We describe an approach to overcome these limitations, which is based on extremely dynamic and proactive precaching. This approach, which we have termed intelligent precaching, is realised through the innovative deployment of intelligent agents on mobile devices. To illustrate this concept, the design and implementation of an archetypical mobile computing application is provided, namely that of an electronic tourist guide. This is augmented with a description of the salient points derived from a user evaluation, from which emerging avenues for further research are identified.
622Scopus© Citations 27 - PublicationIntelligent user interfaces for mobile computingIn this chapter, the practical issue of realizing a necessary intelligence quotient for realizing Intelligent User Interfaces (IUIs) on mobile devices is considered. Mobile computing scenarios differ radically from the normal fixed workstation environment that most people are familiar with; and it is in this dynamicity and complexity that the key motivations for realizing IUIs on mobile devices may be found. Thus the chapter initially motivates the need for the deployment of IUIs in mobile contexts by reflecting on the archetypical elements that comprise the average mobile user's situation or context. A number of broad issues pertaining to the deployment of AI techniques on mobile devices are considered before a practical realisation of this objective through the intelligent agent paradigm is presented. It is the authors hope that a mature understanding of the mobile computing usage scenario, augmented with key insights into the practical deployment of AI in mobile scenarios, will aid software engineers and HCI professionals alike in the successful utilisation of intelligent techniques for a new generation of mobile services.
1301 - PublicationService fusion in mobile contextsService provision for mobile users poses several challenges for those managing enterprise information systems. Some of these are ubiquitous, for example, privacy and security. Others give rise to integration and interoperability issues. The agent paradigm, though offering potential in fixed networked scenarios, has not been seriously considered as a mechanism for incorporating mobile clients, primarily to their computational intractability on mobile devices. However, recent developments in agent and mobile computing technologies – both from a hardware and software perspective, have rendered the mobile phone a viable platform for agents. One implication of this is that agents now offer a viable platform for service delivery to mobile users. This chapter reflects on some of the pertinent issues necessary for this, including Agent Oriented Software Engineering (AOSE). The discussion is illuminated with a systematic description of EasyLife – a framework that harnesses the agent paradigm to construct and deliver services to mobile users.
562Scopus© Citations 1 - PublicationEmbedded agents: a paradigm for mobile services(Inderscience, 2006-01)
; ; ; Mobile computing radically challenges some of the traditional assumptions associated with the software development lifecycle, and end-user behaviour. Successfully meeting these challenges is of fundamental importance if mobile computing is to fulfil its considerable potential. One approach to this concerns the prudent and selective adoption of intelligent techniques. However, reconciling the conflicting demands of deploying sophisticated resource-intensive computational algorithms on devices that are inherently resource-poor raises significant difficulties. Recent developments in intelligent agent technologies offer one viable approach to resolving this conflict. This paper explores the state-of-the-art in mobile computing and intelligent agents. In particular, issues pertinent to the deployment of agents on mobile devices are considered in detail. To illuminate this discussion, the implementation of one such framework is described773Scopus© Citations 26 - PublicationExploiting multi-agent systems in realizing adaptivity in the mobile tourist domain(IOS Press, 2009-04)
; ; ; Ongoing developments in an array of mobile computing technologies have rendered the deployment of intelligent agents feasible on lightweight computational devices such as mobile phones. This development extends the Multi-Agent System (MAS) paradigm to a new frontier, opening up significant avenues of research in intelligent mobile computing, amongst others. To demonstrate the potential of this approach, the practical realization of adaptivity in two classic agent-based mobile computing applications is considered. Though focusing on the tourist domain, it is contended that the approach adopted is generalisable to a broad category of mobile computing applications.1446Scopus© Citations 4 - PublicationDelivering Adaptivity through Context AwarenessDeveloping applications and deploying services for mobile users raises a number of issues and challenges that must be successfully addressed before the era of truly ubiquitous computing will dawn. In particular, the desire to deploy rich multimedia applications and services is severely curtailed by the limited capabilities of the current range of mobile devices as well as the limited bandwidth of current wireless cellular networks. How best to overcome these limitations remains the focus of much research. Intelligent agents have been demonstrated as a promising solution for inherently complex and dynamic domains and their use is proposed as the basis of a solution for assembling and disseminating multimedia content to a mobile audience. Attention is particularly directed to issues concerning the adaptation of content according to the end-user physical context and their personal profile or model.
622Scopus© Citations 18 - Publication
238 - PublicationEasyLife : a location aware service oriented mobile information systemMany examples of Location-aware services have been developed in recent years as the enabling technologies mature. However, these services frequently exist in isolation and address specific niche markets. The diversity of the mobile computing community suggests that enabling dynamic combinations of location-area services would be an appropriate deployment strategy. In this way, customers could subscribe to those services that address their particular needs. This paper introduces EasyLife, an agent-based architecture designed to facilitate the development of suites of location-aware services that customers can configure according to their preferences.
1502Scopus© Citations 2 - PublicationRetail in the Digital CityConventional high street retailers face a multitude of challenges if they are to survive and thrive. Some of these difficulties arise from structural and economic issues; others may be sociological and demographic. However, to thrive, retailers must be perceived as being competitive, and must adopt innovative and invigorating strategies to maximise the potential of their situations while offsetting the limitations. In this paper, it is proposed that a judicious combination of low-cost Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) could enable small retailers harness the benefits of the information society and provide services congruent with the digital city concept. As an illustration of the issues involved, pertinent results from a systematic end-user evaluation of Easishop are discussed.
1713Scopus© Citations 9 - PublicationMobile multimedia : reflecting on dynamic service provisionDelivering multimedia services to roaming subscribers raises significant challenges for content providers. There are a number of reasons for this; however,the principal difficulties arise from the inherent differences between the nature of mobile computing usage, and that of its static counterpart. The harnessing of appropriate contextual elements pertaining to a mobile subscriber at any given time offers significant opportunities for enhancing and customising service delivery. Dynamic content provision is a case in point. The versatile nature of the mobile subscriber offers opportunities for the delivery of content that is most appropriate to the subscriber's prevailing context, and hence is most likely to be welcomed. To succeed in this endeavour requires an innate understanding of the technologies, the mobile usage paradigm and the application domain in question, such that conflicting demands may be reconciled to the subscriber's benefit. In this paper, multimedia-augmented service provision for mobile subscribers is considered in light of the availability of contextual information. In particular, context-aware pre-caching is advocated as a means of maximising the possibilities for delivering context-aware services to mobile subscribers in scenarios of dynamic contexts.
244Scopus© Citations 1