Obradors-Latre, Arnau
Preferred name
Obradors-Latre, Arnau
Official Name
Obradors-Latre, Arnau
Research Output
Now showing 1 - 2 of 2
Hybrid Event Bed Character Across the Clare Shale - Basal Ross Formation Contact, Western Ireland - New Insight from Behind-Outcrop Cores
2014-12-22, Obradors-Latre, Arnau, Pierce, Colm, Haughton, Peter D. W., Shannon, Patrick M., et al.
A recent behind - outcrop drilling program targeting the Ross Formation has focussed on the Loop Head peninsula in west Clare. This has provided a fully-cored composite Ross section (490 m thick) that underpins a new understanding of bed-scale variability and the vertical evolution of the system . The work programme h as now been broadened to include the key Ballybunion section on the south side of the Shannon which sits obliquely down-dip (to the east) of Loop Head (c. 18 km away).
The Clare Shale - Basal Ross Formation Contact, Western Ireland - New Insight from Behind-Outcrop Cores
2015-02-21, Obradors-Latre, Arnau, Pierce, Colm, Haughton, Peter D. W., Shannon, Patrick M., et al.
A recent behind - outcrop drilling program targeting the Ross Formation has focussed on the Loop Head peninsula in west Clare. This has provided a fully-cored composite Ross section (490 m thick) that underpins a new understanding of bed-scale variability and the vertical evolution of the system . The work programme h as now been broadened to include the key Ballybunion section on the south side of the Shannon which sits obliquely down-dip (to the east) of Loop Head (c. 18 km away).