Now showing 1 - 4 of 4
  • Publication
    Analysing mathematics teacher learning in Lesson Study - a proposed theoretical framework
    The purpose of this paper is to analyse mathematics teacher knowledge incorporated during one cycle of lesson study. Analysis is undertaken utilising an extended framework which combines both the theoretical frameworks of Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching (Ball et al., 2008) and Levels of Teacher Activity (Margolinas et al., 2005). The proposed framework is situated as a tool to detail and analyse the use of mathematics teacher knowledge in planning, conducting, and reflecting on research lessons in a lesson study cycle in a primary-school case study in Switzerland.
  • Publication
    What Knowledge do Teachers use in Lesson Study? A focus on Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching and Levels of Teacher Activity
    This chapter combines the frameworks of Ball, Thames, and Phelps (J Teach Educ 59:389–407, 2008) and Margolinas, Coulange, and Bessot (Educ Stud Math 59:205–234, 2005) to demonstrate the elements of subject and pedagogical content knowledge utilized at varying levels of teacher activity in a cycle of lesson study. Qualitative data generated in a mathematics-based lesson study, conducted with eight primary school teachers in Switzerland, is analyzed and visualizations of the knowledge occurring at each phase of lesson study are provided. This fine-grained analysis of the mathematical knowledge incorporated by teachers in lesson study demonstrates that all forms of Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching, at each level of teacher activity, can occur across a cycle. In addition, the paper provides evidence that phases of lesson study do not necessarily occur in succession but can rather take place in a confluence of teachers’ work across a full cycle.
  • Publication
    Analysing mathematics teacher learning in lesson study - a proposed theoretical framework
    (European Society for Research Methods in Mathematics Education, 2017-02) ;
    The purpose of this paper is to analyse the development of teacher knowledge for mathematics through teacher participation in lesson study. Analysis is undertaken utilising an extended framework which combines both the theoretical frameworks of Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching (Ball et al., 2008) and Levels of Teacher Activity (Margolinas et al., 2005). The proposed framework is situated as a tool to detail and analyse the use and evolution of mathematics teacher knowledge in planning, conducting, and reflecting on research lessons in a lesson study cycle in a primary-school case study in Switzerland.
  • Publication
    Analyzing teacher learning in lesson study: mathematical knowledge for teaching and levels of teacher activity
    In this paper, we analyze and detail the knowledge incorporated by mathematics teachers in their participation in lesson study. Utilizing an extended theoretical framework of mathematics teacher knowledge, combining the cognitive frameworks of Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching and Levels of Teacher Activity, we detail the knowledge articulated in teachers’ collaborative lesson study conversations. "is theoretical framework is presented as a theoretical tool to detail the incorporation of mathematics teachers’ knowledge in planning, conducting, and reflecting on research lessons in lesson study. Using data generated in two case studies, one from the Republic of Ireland (post-primary) and another from Switzerland (primary), we examine the knowledge articulated by mathematics teachers in their planning and reflection of a research lesson. We detail this knowledge using qualitative excerpts and provide quantitative analysis of the knowledge categories incorporated by teachers in each phase of a lesson study cycle. Our analysis provides evidence that, in their participation in lesson study, teachers draw on and incorporate all elements of their mathematical knowledge for teaching at all levels of teacher activity when planning and reflecting on a research lesson.