Now showing 1 - 2 of 2
  • Publication
    Systems biology embedded target validation: improving efficacy in drug discovery
    The pharmaceutical industry is faced with a range of challenges with the ever-escalating costs of drug development and a drying out of drug pipelines. By harnessing advances in -omics technologies and moving away from the standard, reductionist model of drug discovery, there is significant potential to reduce costs and improve efficacy. Embedding systems biology approaches in drug discovery, which seek to investigate underlying molecular mechanisms of potential drug targets in a network context, will reduce attrition rates by earlier target validation and the introduction of novel targets into the currently stagnant market. Systems biology approaches also have the potential to assist in the design of multidrug treatments and repositioning of existing drugs, while stratifying patients to give a greater personalization of medical treatment.
      2834Scopus© Citations 21
  • Publication
    Systems medicine: helping us understand the complexity of disease
    Advances in genomics and other -omic fields in the last decade have resulted in unprecedented volumes of complex data now being available. These data can enable physicians to provide their patients with care that is more personalized, predictive, preventive and participatory. The expertise required to manage and understand this data is to be found in fields outside of medical science, thus multidisciplinary collaboration coupled to a systems approach is key to unlocking its potential, with concomitant new ways of working. Systems medicine can build on the successes in the field of systems biology, recognizing the human body as the multidimensional network of networks that it is. While systems medicine can provide a conceptual and theoretical framework, its practical goal is to provide physicians the tools necessary for harnessing the rapid advances in basic biomedical science into their routine clinical arsenal.
      319Scopus© Citations 28