Now showing 1 - 3 of 3
  • Publication
    Affect and Spirituality at Work: Guest Editors' Introduction
    (Taylor and Francis, 2007) ;
    We argue that it is essential to differentiate between individual preferences for having spiritual and religious practices at the workplace and studies that, using well-established tools drawn from the social-sciences, research the role of spirituality in organizations and work. The present JMSR Special Issue (SI) is the first to bring together several papers that address the confluence of affect and spirituality in the context of work, management and organizations. One of the aims of this SI is to showcase five different approaches to systematically investigating spirituality and affect in organizational context.
  • Publication
    Poland, a workforce in transition: Exploring leadership styles and effectiveness of Polish vs. Western expatriate managers
    Given the cultural differences between Western Europe and Poland, differences are expected in leadership styles and behaviours between Polish and Western managers. Our study explored Polish employees’ perceptions and attitudes toward expatriate Western versus local managers. The main method was surveying Polish employees working under Western managers in three mid-size companies. We supplemented the survey with in-depth interviews with five West European middle managers working in Poland. We found that perceptions of local and foreign managers differed on several dimensions. While Polish employees generally perceived Western managers’ style as more preferable, they also demonstrated ambivalence about working with expat versus Polish managers.
      964Scopus© Citations 4
  • Publication
    La influencia de las redes sociales en la adaptación de los trabajadores al cambio tecnológico
    En este trabajo examinamos el papel de tres tipos de redes sociales: la de apoyo, la informacional y la de amistad, sobre la adaptación individual a un cambio tecnológico en una entidad financiera. Utilizando un diseño basado en un cuestionario con 371 empleados pertenecientes a 133 sucursales y la valoración de los directivos de una entidad financiera hemos encontrado algunos aspectos novedosos que relacionan la red social abierta con la calidad de la adaptación de los trabajadores a un nuevo sistema tecnológico. Específicamente, hemos encontrado que el tamaño de la red de apoyo y la densidad de la red informacional predicen significativamente la adaptación al nuevo sistema. Para finalizar el trabajo se discuten las implicaciones teóricas de la importancia de la investigación sobre redes sociales abiertas para la adaptación de los trabajadores a los cambios organizativos, así como se identifican las implicaciones para los profesionales implicados en tales cambios. Abstract: We examined the role of three types of social networks, support, information and friendship, on individual adaptation following a technology change in a large financial company. Using a survey-based design with 371 employees who worked in 133 different branches we found that several aspects of the open social network related to quality of employees’ adaptation to the new technology system as assessed by the company's five regional directors. Specifically, we found that the size of the support network, as well as the density of the information network significantly predicted employees’ adaptation to the new system. We conclude the paper by discussing theoretical implications for the relevance of open social network research for members’ adaptation to organizational changes as well as implications for practitioners involved in such changes.