Now showing 1 - 9 of 9
  • Publication
    Gender Equality in Ireland 2015
    (European Parliament, 2015)
    Upon request by the FEMM Committee, this paper explores changes in gender equality legislation, policies and practices in Ireland with particular emphasis on the period from 2012-2015. Gender equality infrastructure, gender gaps in employment, unemployment, poverty and pay rates are analysed and women’s level of participation in political, economic and administrative decision-making in Ireland is detailed. Provision of childcare services, as well as the extent to which gender dimensions are taken into account in health and welfare policies, are also examined.
  • Publication
  • Publication
    Economic Crisis and Gender equality: Ireland and the EU
    (Foundation for European Progressive Studies, 2014-12)
    This paper explores gender dimensions to the austerity policies which have been pursued across the EU over the recent economic crisis years, with particular attention to Ireland. From a gender equality standpoint, it is interesting to examine the extent to which there are common gender dimensions to the policy processes that have been pursued across the EU. This paper looks at the Irish situation but also takes a comparative perspective drawing on analyses of core policies at EU level, exploring the gender patterns evident in the way in which economic and social policies have been developed and implemented.
  • Publication
    Review of Ireland's Employment Policy from a Gender Perspective
    (Enege and the European Commission DG Justice and Consumers, 2015-02)
    European comparative data for Ireland reveals important features of the changing situation. Men’s unemployment rates are falling faster than women’s in Ireland. The unemployment rate (25-74) for men has fallen from 15.7% in 2012 to 13.5% in 2013 and 11.6% in 2014. On the contrary women’s unemployment rate (25-74) has dropped only slightly from 9.3% in 2012 to 9.2% in 2013 and 8.2% in 2014. As a result, the gender gap closed from 4.3p.p. to 3.4p.p. in 2014 ranking Ireland 1st in the EU with the widest gender gap in unemployment (25-74). The EU-28 average was 8.8% for men and 9.2% for women in 2014 with a gender gap of -0.4p.p. Ireland stands out with its severe underrepresentation of women in national political structures. Only 16% of those in national parliament and 24% of those in national administration are women compared to EU-28 average of 29% in parliament and 40% in administration, ranking Ireland extremely low at 25th in the national administration and 23rd in the national parliament in 2015. A key reason, it can be argued, for the lack of priority placed on care provision is this chronic lack of representation of women in the decision-making system. One notable change is in the representation of women in national government (senior ministers) that increased from 13% to 27% between 2013 and 3Q2015, a rate that now ranks Ireland 15th with the EU-28 average at 27%.
  • Publication
    Life-long learning and new skills in Ireland : a gender perspective
    (University College Dublin. School of Social Justice, 2010-06)
  • Publication
    Gender equality and economic crisis: Ireland and EU
    (Routledge, 2017-08)
    This chapter explores gender dimensions to the austerity policies which have been pursued across the EU over the recent economic crisis years, with particular attention to Ireland. From a gender equality standpoint, it is interesting to examine the extent to which there are common gender dimensions to the policy processes that have been pursued across the EU. There is a definite gender dimension to the policies that have been implemented, both in Ireland and across the EU, through the years of the crisis and the adoption of austerity policies (Barry and Conroy 2013). This chapter looks at the Irish situation but also takes a comparative perspective drawing on analyses of core policies at EU level, exploring the gender patterns evident in the way in which economic and social policies have been developed and implemented and their consequences from a gender equality perspective (Rubery and Karmessini 2013; ENEGE 2013; Oxfam 2013; Trefell 2012).
  • Publication
    Gender equality: Economic value of care from the perspective of the applicable EU funds: An exploration of an EU strategy towards valuing the care economy
    (European Parliament, 2021-06-21) ;
    This Report was commissioned by the Dept of Citizens' Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the FEMM Committee of the European Parliament. It explores the impact of COVID-19 on the EU care economy, the gendered nature of care work and its continued reliance on unpaid or low-paid work of women. Issues of valuing and measuring care are examined selected countries are examined with different systems of care provision. The Report concludes that despite the recognition of the centrality of the care economy during the pandemic, the establishment of a new highly significant EU funding mechanism (the Recovery and Resilience Fund, RRF) is focused largely on digital and green investments, paying only marginal attention to gender equality and the care economy.
  • Publication
    Gender, Austerity and Economic Crisis: A Perspective on EU and Ireland
    (Routledge, 2018-03-31)
    Changing patterns of women's paid work within a global context, with a focus on the EU and Ireland, and the impact of the economic crisis.