Now showing 1 - 10 of 11
  • Publication
    What do we mean by bodily autonomy? And what does bodily autonomy mean for women in particular?
    (New Binary Press, 2018-03)
    Women's bodily autonomy has been contested through history and Ireland is a key territory in which this contest continues to be played out – a contest with implications at a global level. Our contemporary history is littered with legal, political, economic and social ways in which women's autonomy has been limited and restricted Despite the Proclamation of 1916 declaring equal citizenship and equal opportunities, in reality the new Irish Free State of 1922 saw the introduction of a battery of anti-women legislation, restricting rights and roles and aiming at confining women to the domestic sphere. Most women in Ireland could not sign contracts, own property, open bank accounts, access paid work in most areas of the economy, sit on juries or until the 1990s access contraception and divorce. Women were forced to resign from paid employment on marriage across the civil service, public sector, banks and insurance (a law introduced in 1932 and only removed in 1973 on joining the EEC – later the EU) (Connolly 2005; 2015).
  • Publication
    Discourses on Foetal Rights and Women's Embodiment
    (Cork University Press, 2015-10)
    This chapter focuses on the changing discourses on foetal rights in Ireland, and internationally, and the consequences for women's embodiment. Court cases and court decisions are explored with a particular emphasis on new interpretations of foetal rights and their implications for women's bodily integrity and autonomy.
  • Publication
    Changing economic and social worlds of Irish women
    (TASC at New Island Press, 2008-03)
    This chapter analyses the changing social and economic position of Irish women over the two decades from 1990s with a focus on role of women as 'carer-earner'. The position of women in relation to paid employment, unpaid work, income and poverty are explored with particular reference to lone parents and women with disabilities.
  • Publication
    Gender, Austerity and Economic Crisis: A Perspective on EU and Ireland
    (Routledge, 2018-03-31)
    Changing patterns of women's paid work within a global context, with a focus on the EU and Ireland, and the impact of the economic crisis.
  • Publication
    Feminisation of Poverty - lone parents, migrant women and older women
    (European Commission, 2020-03-10)
    This chapter explored the inequalities experienced by specific sectors of women in an EU context focusing on lone parents, migrants and older women.
  • Publication
    Changing Economic and Social Worlds of Irish Women
    (New Island Books, 2008-02-25)
    We have just lived through a decade of enormous change in the economic and social position of Irish women. From a traditional position in which the majority of women were carers - unpaid carers - women now occupy the dual role of carer-earner. The majority of women are now in paid employment, including women with children, married women and a significant proportion of women lone parents. This has meant huge changes in women's lives, changes which have been brought about by the decisions and choices of thousands of individual women, despite the lack of policies or support systems to facilitate such change. This chapter explores some of the key aspects of the economic and social policy frameworks that shape, and sometimes determine, the changing patterns of Irish women's lives.
  • Publication
    Ireland in Crisis 2008-2012: women, austerity and inequality
    (Routledge, 2013-08) ;
    The is the first book to analyse the current economic crisis from a gender perspective and to explore the impact of austerity policies on women in nine selected countries in Europe and America, including a chapter on Ireland. The question is asked as to whether, and to what extent, gender equality gains made in recent decades have been undermined during the crisis years and what is the future for gender equality strategies.
  • Publication
    Gender equality and economic crisis: Ireland and EU
    (Routledge, 2017-08)
    This chapter explores gender dimensions to the austerity policies which have been pursued across the EU over the recent economic crisis years, with particular attention to Ireland. From a gender equality standpoint, it is interesting to examine the extent to which there are common gender dimensions to the policy processes that have been pursued across the EU. There is a definite gender dimension to the policies that have been implemented, both in Ireland and across the EU, through the years of the crisis and the adoption of austerity policies (Barry and Conroy 2013). This chapter looks at the Irish situation but also takes a comparative perspective drawing on analyses of core policies at EU level, exploring the gender patterns evident in the way in which economic and social policies have been developed and implemented and their consequences from a gender equality perspective (Rubery and Karmessini 2013; ENEGE 2013; Oxfam 2013; Trefell 2012).
  • Publication
    Women, equality and public policy
    (Oak Tree Press, 1998)
    This article takes a gender perspective to the analysis of public policy in the late 1990s in Ireland.
  • Publication
    Feminist Reflections on Basic Income
    (Policy Press, 2018-03-14)
    Feminist economics, which grew in influence from the mid-1980s, encompassed a strong critique of the assumptions underlying the welfare state developments in Western Europe. It was argued that the link between paid employment and welfare entitlements, which was a fundamental element of most welfare states, reflected a perspective that showed a complete lack of recognition of the fluidity of women’s economic activities. This lack of recognition that women’s economic lives are likely to be shaped by a spectrum of economic activity which includes: paid employment - home-based carer – part-time employment – underemployment – unpaid work. Such a fluid economic picture fell largely outside the male-oriented binary image of employment: unemployment that underlay the thinking shaping western welfare states.