Now showing 1 - 7 of 7
  • Publication
    Doing restorative justice in cases of sexual violence: A practice guide
    (Leuven Institute of Criminology, University of Leuven, KU Leuven, 2015-05) ; ; ;
    There is now a growing body of research evidence which supports the application of Restorative justice (RJ) in cases of severe harm, such as sexual violence (SV). Conventional criminal justice processes can be especially difficult for victims of SV and many victims report dissatisfaction with criminal justice processes. RJ offers an additional approach which can be moulded to the needs of the individual victims. The central focus of this practice guide is on creating safety in practice for victims of SV who wish to meet with their offender. We accept that RJ is not desired by all victims of sexual crime. However, for those who do desire RJ every opportunity for safe practice ought to be afforded to them in responding to their need. That is the aim of this practice guide. We offer guidance on how to engage with the parties to RJ in SV cases safely and in a manner that meets the psychological and emotional needs of all, most especially of the victims and offenders.
  • Publication
    Researching 'under the radar' practices: exploring restorative practices in sexual violence cases
    (Victimology Society of Serbia, 2018-06) ; ;
    Sexual violence is a pernicious social phenomenon. The limited effectiveness of traditional justice responses has resulted in a search for alternative and innovative responses. This article highlights research regarding one such innovative response to sexual violence: restorative justice. The article outlines the multi-strategy research design adopted to explore the potential of restorative justice in cases of sexual violence before focusing in particular on one aspect of that design: a web-based survey used to map the global population of programmes engaging in these practices. The article highlights the many challenges inherent in researching emerging social responses and suggests that web-based surveys offer a means of mapping emerging or ‘under the radar’ practices and harvesting important qualitative data on sensitive topics. They may be especially valuable when populations are geographically dispersed. However, tailoring survey instruments for respondents who are multi-lingual presents difficulties particularly when the issues under investigation are linguistically and cognitively complex.
  • Publication
    Restorative responses to sexual violence: an introduction
    (Routledge, 2017-02-24) ;
    Sexual violence, in all its forms, is a crime for which anecdotal accounts and scholarly reports suggest victims in their great majority do not receive adequate 'justice' or redress. The theory and practice of restorative justice is rapidly developing and offers some well-argued new avenues for dealings with crime in general. It has the potential to be extended to cases of sexual violence and a number of small scale programmes are already underway across the world.Restorative Responses to Sexual Violence examines this innovative justice paradigm in more depth in the particular context of sexual trauma and violence in order to establish the empirical realities of restorative justice approaches in cases of sexual violence, and considers how such approaches could be developed adequately in the future. This book is divided into two parts, each representing a key area of research and practice: theoretical and conceptual frameworks, and justice and therapeutic perspectives.This international collection brings together leading expert scholars and practitioners to offer both theoretical and practical perspectives on restorative justice and sexual violence. This book will be of interest to researchers in the field of law, criminology, psychology, social science, social work and psychotherapy, as well as practitioners in the fields of criminal justice, restorative justice and sex offender and victim trauma therapies.
  • Publication
    Violence Sexuelle, le Good Lives Model et la Justice restaurative
    (L'Harmattan, 2020-05-25) ; ;
    Beaucoup a été écrit sur le problème des violences sexuelles et de l’abus dans la littérature empirique et populaire soulevant des problèmes tel que le privilège, le pouvoir et le contrôle, le sens du consentement, la position des femmes, le besoin des hommes de prendre position, l’attitude face à la sexualité, et le problème qui survient quand nous continuons avec une inégalité des genres. Une importante littérature académique se concentre sur la psychologie et la motivation de l’auteur d’infraction et sur les traitements d’engagement et d’interventions pour réhabiliter les auteurs d’infraction, prévenir la récidive et rendre les sociétés plus sûres. D’autres littératures se concentrent sur l’impact du crime sexuel sur la victime et élaborent des approches fondées sur des données probantes pour aider les victimes à guérir.
  • Publication
    Restorative justice and sexual offences: can 'changing lenses' be appropriate in this case too?
    (Walters Klumer/Heymanns, 2014-02) ;
    The use of restorative justice (RJ) for sexual violence has been the subject of on-going debate among RJ advocates, victim rights movement and feminist activists, for some time. This article will examine existing theories on restorative justice with a specific focus on the appropriateness of restorative justice for sexual violence. Theories surrounding the benefits of RJ in cases of sexual violence will be explored and comparisons will be drawn between the approaches taken by restorative justice and the traditional criminal justice system to address sexual violence. Concerns about the use of restorative justice for sexual violence will also be discussed, including concerns about re-victimization, power imbalances, due process rights of offenders and the relationship between restorative justice and the criminal justice system. Theoretical considerations of practical challenges such as the establishment of appropriate points of referral to restorative justice programmes and decisions regarding the types of sexual offences suitable for RJ will be examined in detail. The paper will conclude by offering some reflections as to possible ways forward.
  • Publication
    Towards a better understanding of justice: concluding thoughts on restorative responses to sexual violence
    Sexual violence, in all its forms, is a crime for which anecdotal accounts and scholarly reports suggest victims in their great majority do not receive adequate 'justice' or redress. The theory and practice of restorative justice is rapidly developing and offers some well-argued new avenues for dealings with crime in general. It has the potential to be extended to cases of sexual violence and a number of small scale programmes are already underway across the world. Restorative Responses to Sexual Violence examines this innovative justice paradigm in more depth in the particular context of sexual trauma and violence in order to establish the empirical realities of restorative justice approaches incases of sexual violence, and considers how such approaches could be developed adequately in the future. This book is divided into two parts, each representing a key area of research and practice: theoretical and conceptual frameworks, and justice and therapeutic perspectives.This international collection brings together leading expert scholars and practitioners to offer both theoretical and practical perspectives on restorative justice and sexual violence. This book will be of interest to researchers in the field of law, criminology, psychology, social science, social work and psychotherapy, as well as practitioners in the fields of criminal justice, restorative justice and sex offender and victim trauma therapies.
  • Publication
    Sexual violence and restorative practices in Belgium, Ireland and Norway: a thematic analysis of country variations
    The article compares and contrasts the provision of some restorative practices in cases of sexual violence in three European countries: Belgium, Ireland and Norway. It begins by briefly outlining efforts to address the ‘justice gap’ experienced by victims of sexual violence within conventional justice systems. The article points to calls for the development of alternative or complementary innovative justice responses to sexual violence. It suggests that restorative justice advocates believe they can deliver a participatory, empowering and flexible form of restorative justice, which can run in tandem with conventional criminal justice processes. However, it is noted that the application of restorative approaches to cases of sexual violence has engendered some controversy. The article points to considerable inter-country divergence in the extent to which restorative justice is accessible to victims of sexual crimes and to the emergence of country-specific patterns in the provision of restorative justice in cases of sexual violence.