Now showing 1 - 6 of 6
  • Publication
    New Cooperation and Novel Innovations: The Role of Regional Brokerage and Collaboration Intensity
    (University College Dublin. Spatial Dynamics Lab, 2021-02-04) ; ;
    Along with the increased importance of technology innovation, the importance of collaboration has been highlighted for conducting the innovation. This study discusses the importance of brokerage role of regions in co-inventor collaboration for establishing novel innovation and new collaboration. In addition, we address how regional collaboration intensity interacts with the brokerage role, highlighting its mediating effect. For this purpose, empirical analysis has been conducted with EPO PATSTAT database and European Regional Database (ERD) covering the European regions between 1986 and 2015. Our finding shows that the brokerage roles contribute to the extension of collaboration network, but are not efficient for the creation of new invention. Collaboration intensity, however, helps both novel innovation and new collaboration, and especially it positively interacts with brokerage role indicating that a region can take the benefit from being broker in collaboration.
  • Publication
    Regional Knowledge Spaces: The Interplay of Entry-Relatedness and Entry-Potential for Technological Change and Growth
    (University College Dublin. Spatial Dynamics Lab, 2021-09-20) ; ; ;
    This paper aims to uncover the mechanism of how the network properties of regional knowledge spaces contribute to technological change from the perspective of regional knowledge entry-relatedness and regional knowledge entry-potential. Entry-relatedness, which has been previously employed to investigate the technology evolution of regional economies, is advanced by introducing a knowledge gravity model. The entry-potential of a newly acquired regional specialisation has been largely ignored in the relevant literature; surprisingly given the high relevance that is attributed to the recombination potential of new capabilities. In other words, just adding new knowledge domains to a system is not sufficient alone, it really depends on how these fit into the existing system and thus can generate wider economic benefits. Based on an empirical analysis of EU Metro and non-Metro regions from 1981 to 2015, we find that entry-relatedness has a significant negative association with novel inventive activities, while entry-potential has a significant positive association with the development of novel products and processes of economic value. This highlights that regions’ capacity to venture into high-potential areas of technological specialization in the knowledge space outperforms purely relatedness driven diversification that is frequently promoted in the relevant literature.
  • Publication
    Patent Boxes and the Success Rate of Applications
    (University College Dublin. School of Economics, 2021-04-21) ; ;
    Patent boxes significantly reduce the corporate tax rate applied to income earned from a patent. This incentivizes firms to increase the likelihood of a patent application being granted by creating more novel research and using more successful legal representation when filing the application. Conversely, it supports submitting applications for marginally novel innovations that otherwise would not have been submitted, lowering the probability of success. We use data from applications to the European Patent Office from 1978 to 2019 and find that the introduction of a patent box increases the average success rate of applications from large, corporate innovators by 6.9 percentage points. This impact only materializes two years after a patent box takes effect, suggesting that improved research effort is the dominant response by firms. Therefore patent boxes may help to increase innovation novelty and improve the overall quality of research.
  • Publication
    OK Computer: The Creation and Integration of AI in Europe
    (University College Dublin School of Economics, 2019-05) ; ; ;
    This paper investigates the creation and integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) patents in Europe. We create a panel of AI patents over time, mapping them into regions at the NUTS2 level. We then proceed by examining how AI is integrated into the knowledge space of each region. In particular, we find that those regions where AI is most embedded into the innovation landscape are also those where the number of AI patents is largest. This suggests that to increase AI innovation it may be necessary to integrate it with industrial development, a feature central to many recent AI-promoting policies.
  • Publication
    The Geography of Knowledge Creation: Technological Relatedness and Regional Smart Specialization Strategies
    (Edward Elgar, 2018-07-27) ;
    This chapter synthesises the literatures of evolutionary economic geography and the geography of innovation in order to demonstrate the path dependent and evolutionary logic inherent to knowledge creation and diffusion processes. Critically, this synthesis reaffirms the continued importance of geography as a palpable medium to organize economic activity. Making explicit use of the ‘knowledge space’ methodology developed by Kogler et al., (2013) this chapter examines the technological evolution of Ireland (1981 – 2010) and provides new insights on how regional knowledge trajectories are shaped by path-dependent, recombinant, and co-evolutionary network dynamics. For Ireland, we show that its technological development can be understood as a branching phenomenon, whereby new technological trajectories branched out from previously existing or related pieces of knowledge. The chapter concludes by theorising how the knowledge space framework has an important bearing on the recently proposed Smart Specialisation thesis, which is envisioned to underpin knowledge-based regional economic development throughout Europe for the coming decade.
      957Scopus© Citations 58
  • Publication
    Construction of a Global Knowledge Input-Output Table
    (University College Dublin. School of Economics, 2023-10) ; ;
    This paper describes the construction of the Knowledge Input-Output (KIO) table constructed as part of the RETHINK project. Using PATSTAT data on forty years of patent data from across the globae, the KIO table provides information on the number of patent applications across ten major patenting countries and the rest of the world and across 131 technology classifications. It further provides a network of patent citations, thus indicating how patents build from existing knowledge and contribute to the construction of further innovation. In addition to describing the KIO’s construction, we provide a number of stylized facts on patenting activity and the citation network. These facts illustrate the lessons that can be learned from patent citation data while also identifying potential pitfalls in their use.