Now showing 1 - 2 of 2
  • Publication
    Schur idempotents and hyperreflexivity
    We show that the set of Schur idempotents with hyperreflexive range is a Boolean lattice which contains all contractions. We establish a preservation result for sums which implies that the weak* closed span of a hyperreflexive and a ternary masa-bimodule is hyperreflexive, and prove that the weak* closed span of finitely many tensor products of a hyperreflexive space and a hyperreflexive range of a Schur idempotent (respectively, a ternary masa-bimodule) is hyperreflexive. 
      392Scopus© Citations 1
  • Publication
    Private algebras in quantum information and infinite-dimensional complementarity
    We introduce a generalized framework for private quantum codes using von Neumann algebras and the structure of commutants. This leads naturally to a more general notion of complementary channel, which we use to establish a generalized complementarity theorem between private and correctable subalgebras that applies to both the finite and infinite-dimensional settings. Linear bosonic channels are considered and specific examples of Gaussian quantum channels are given to illustrate the new framework together with the complementarity theorem.
      369Scopus© Citations 13