Now showing 1 - 10 of 30
  • Publication
    Sos: Accomodation on the fly with ACCESS
    This paper introduces Sos, a location aware and context -sensitive accommodation finding service for mobile citizens who require help finding somewhere to stay when they arrive at their chosen destination. Specifically, Sos helps users to find and book hotel accommodation that is most appropriate to their current context. This context combines the users’ current location, personal preferences, hotel availability and agenda (e.g. business meeting, tour of city). Sos has been realized as an agent-based application that has been deployed using the Agents Channelling ContExt Sensitive Services (ACCESS) architecture, an open agentbased architecture that supports the development and deployment of multiple heterogeneous context -sensitive services.
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    Hybrid agent & component-based management of backchannels
    This paper describes the use of the SoSAA software framework to implement the hybrid management of communication channels (backchannels) across a distributed software system. SoSAA is a new integrated architectural solution enabling context-aware, open and adaptive software while preserving system modularity and promoting the re-use of existing component-based and agent-oriented frameworks and associated methodologies. In particular, we show how SoSAA can be used to orchestrate the adoption of network adapter components to bind functional components that are distributed across different component contexts. Both the performance of the different computational nodes involved and the efficiencies and faults in the underlying transport layers are taken into account when deciding which transport mechanisms to use.
  • Publication
    A Role-based Approach to Reuse in Agent-Oriented Programming
    This paper describes an extension to the ALPHA (A Language for Programming Hybrid Agents) programming language that employs roles as run-time constructs. Specifically, this paper describes how the inclusion of this concept has facilitated the use of a number of OOP-based reuse mechanisms within the language. Finally, we illustrate the new version of ALPHA through a simple auction-based example.
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    A UML-based Software Engineering Methodology for Agent Factory
    (Knowledge Systems Institute Graduate School, 2004-06-20) ; ;
    This paper presents the Agent Factory Development Methodology, an Agent-Oriented Software Engineering (AOSE) methodology that employs a synthesis of the Unified Modelling Language (UML) and Agent UML to support the development of multi-agent systems. We illustrate the use of this methodology, through a simple case study and briefly compare it to some other well-known AOSE methodologies.
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    The social robot architecture: towards sociality in a real world domain
    This paper advocates the application of multi-agent techniques in the realisation of social robotic behaviour. We present an architecture which commissions agent-based deliberation without sacrificing the reactive qualities necessary in a real world domain, and which is situated within a social landscape through the use of an Agent Communication Language.
  • Publication
    AF-ABLE in the Multi Agent Contest 2009
    This is the second year in which a team from University College Dublin has participated in the Multi Agent Contest. This paper describes the system that was created to participate in the contest, along with observations of the team's experiences in the contest. The system itself was built using the AFAPL agent programming language running on the Agent Factory platform. A hybrid control architecture inspired by the SoSAA strategy aided in the separation of concerns between low-level behaviours (such as movement and obstacle evasion) and higher-level planning and strategy.
  • Publication
    Modeling and programming with commitment rules in agent factory
    Agent-Oriented Programming (AOP) is a relatively new programming paradigm introduced by Yoav Shoham (1993) in which software systems are viewed as consisting of a set of agents that interact with one another to solve problems that are beyond their individual capabilities. More specifically, agents are viewed as high-level autonomous software entities that encapsulate a set of capabilities and whose internal state is comprised of a set of mental components such as beliefs, capabilities, choices and commitments. This view of agents as mentalistic entities is a common perspective within multi-agent systems research and underpins many of the most prominent agent theories (Cohen & Levesque, 1990; Rao & Georgeff, 1991; Wooldridge, 2000). These theories model the internal decision-making process of an agent in terms of the interplay between the constituent components of the underlying mental state. Their objective is to define how an agent is able to act in a rational goal-directed manner and to tease out various desirable properties that emerge from that action. Thus, the objective of AOP is to present a framework for developing a new class of programming languages that are derived from these theories.
  • Publication
    Mobile intelligence: enabling a new class of context-aware services
    Agent-Oriented Programming (AOP) offers an alternative and radical approach to the development of information systems in various domains. However, one domain that AOP has only minimally affected, at least up until now, is that of mobile computing. Until recently, the use of strong intentional agents in such a domain has been considered impractical, and, indeed, computationally intractable. In this paper, Agent Factory, a system for the fabrication of strong intelligent agents is introduced. In particular, its strategies for realising such agents in the computationally-constrained world of mobile computing are outlined. Finally, two archetypical mobile computing applications, realised through Agent Factory, are described. The first, EasiShop, a ubiquitous commerce (uCommerce) application, enables shoppers to seek out good deals while wandering an arbitrary shopping mall or high street. The second, Gulliver’s Genie, is a mobile context-sensitive tourist guide that focuses on the delivery of personalised multimedia content in a just-in-time basis.
  • Publication
    Demonstrating Social Error Recovery with AgentFactory
    Exception handling is a well established method of error recovery through the alteration of plans in situ . This method relies on recovery routines existing in advance, which - we argue - is simply shorthand for more detailed plan descriptions. However, in practice, agents rarely act alone in their environment - other agents may exist, and potentially provide help in times of need. We argue that social error recovery is a particular class of exception handling that allows agents to resolve erroneous situations that are beyond their direct control. In our opinion, agent oriented programming languages must directly provide agents with abilities like social error recovery. Consequently, we introduce revisions to the AgentFactory framework, and more specifically, the programming language (AF-APL), which facilitate the rapid development of agents with in-built social error recovery. The use of these abilities are illustrated via an example of a social error recovery scenario for a mobile robot working as an office assistant.
  • Publication
    Social Minded Commitment Management
    Over the past 30 years Artificial Intelligence has fragmented from one broad subject into a cluster of narrow but deep individual disciplines. During this time we have also seen the development of increasingly complex software systems for application domains such as robot control, mobile computing, and expert system interfaces. Many of these designs use elements from the branches of AI, but pay little attention to the integration of these elements in an intelligent way. This paper presents an approach to this intelligent integration problem, based on a community of Intentional Agents. Each of the agents within the community uses a Social Minded Commitment Manager (SMCM) to allow it to reason and cooperate in order to achieve goals when individual execution has failed. An implementation of the SMCM that has been developed for AgentFactory is presented, and its use then motivated through the description of a robust, redundancy tolerant robot control architecture named MARC.