Now showing 1 - 2 of 2
  • Publication
    Agent-Based Ubiquitous Systems : 9 Lessons Learnt
    The recent emergence of agent prototyping environments for developing Java agents (Aglets, JATlite, JACK, Agent Factory) and the availability of the J2ME (Java 2Micro Edition) on light devices (PDAs and cellular phones) provides the ability for strong agenthood to be delivered in the mobile and ubiquitous sector. This is an experience paper that discusses the lessons learnt in the construction of agent-based ubiquitous sytems. Within this paper we consider four such systems namely Ad-me, WAY, Gulliver’s Genie, and Easishop. They all have been developed at UCD. The common denominator for all prototypes is the use of Lightweight BDI agents and the intelligent pre-caching of content.
  • Publication
    Far and A WAY: Context Sensitive Service Delivery through Mobile Lightweight PDA hosted Agents
    This paper introduces the Where You Are (WAY) system, a simple, yet effective application for assisting mobile users in the performance of a variety of routine tasks. The WAY system supports the mobile citizen in the location, tracking and rendezvousing with a variety of moving entities. The WAY sustem seeks to provide such support by deploying a rich collection of appropriate technologies including mobile agent based technologies, Geographic Information Systems and context aware mobile computing. System functionality is delivered through a collection of mobile lightweight intentional agents, which take cognizance of the memory and processing restriction of Personal Digital Assistants.