Housing Policy Review, 1990-2002
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This review documents the principal changes to the
system of housing provision and to housing policy in
Ireland which have taken place since 1990, as well as
recent social and economic developments pertaining to
housing, and examines the range of market and nonmarket
housing options currently available. It is
envisaged that this information will be of interest to
students of disciplines related to housing such as social
policy, public administration, regional and urban
planning and architecture, to those who work in the
housing field and the members of the general public
who have an interest in this area. The latest national
partnership agreement, Sustaining Progress, commits
government to reviewing and reforming several aspects
of housing policy and provision in this country, including
programmes designed to assist low-income groups, and
this document will provide useful background
information for this review. By documenting the
changes to housing policy and housing provision that
have taken place since 1990, it will highlight anomalies
or omissions in housing policy and provision, together
with the most significant housing related challenges
which will face the country in the coming years. It is
envisaged that this information will enable policy
makers to consider how these issues can be most
effectively addressed.
The opening chapter of the review highlights several
aspects of the system of housing provision in Ireland
that are distinctive in the wider European Union (EU)
context. For instance the proportion of Irish people who
own their own homes is much higher than the EU
average, while the proportion who rent is relatively low.
Furthermore, in contrast to many other EU member
states, most social housing for rent to low-income
households in this country is provided by local
authorities, rather than non-governmental agencies.
The number of dwellings per 1,000 inhabitants in this
country is the lowest in the EU, although the Irish
housing stock is comparatively young, and it is also distinguished
by the high number of standard houses, in
contrast to many other EU member states where a large
proportion of the housing stock is made up of
Chapter Two reveals that the last decade is distinguished
by dramatic changes in the housing system.
The years since 1995 have seen marked increases in
private house prices (particularly in Dublin), in private
sector rents and in social housing need. These trends are
related to both economic factors including falling
unemployment and rising disposable incomes and
demographic factors such as population growth,
together with a rise in the number of independent
households and falling population size. In response to
increased demand, house building rates have increased
significantly in recent years, to the extent that housing
output in Ireland was proportionately the highest in the
EU during 1999, 2000 and 2001. However, private
housing output is not concentrated in the parts of the
country where demand is highest, while social housing
output remains low in historic terms. The second part of
the chapter assesses the impact that these changes
have had for housing affordability and highlights affordability
difficulties in the private rented sector and
among lower income households seeking to gain access
to the owner occupied sector.
Chapter Three sketches the impact which this changing
environment had in terms of the evolution of housing
policy. The housing policy statements produced by the
Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local
Government (DoEHLG) in the early years of the decade
are mainly concerned with ensuring an adequate supply
of housing for the lower income sections of the
population, principally by means of providing social
rented accommodation. As a result of the high price
inflation in the housing market in the late 1990s, the
focus had necessarily broadened to the housing needs
of the general population and a number of significant
interventions in the owner occupied and private rented
sectors were introduced. The broadening of the housing
policy agenda over this period, together with the
increased political priority which it was afforded, also
Housing Policy Review 1990-2002
had the effect of moving housing and accommodation
issues to the core of the national policy agenda and of
accelerating the pace of policy development in this area.
Since 1996 eight major policy statements on housing
have been issued by the DoEHLG. Furthermore, in
contrast to the early 1990s when housing policy
development was confined mainly to policy statements
from this Department, by the late 1990s it had become a
key consideration in most national social and economic
policy statements including: the National Development
Plan (NDP) for 2000 to 2006, the national agreement
negotiated between government and the social
partners in 2000 and 2003, and the revised National
Anti-Poverty Strategy (NAPS) published in 2002.
Chapters Four to Seven provide further details of the
policy initiatives introduced since 1990 pertinent to the
owner occupied, private rented and social rented
housing tenures and to households with special housing
and accommodation needs. In addition to describing the
key features of these initiatives, these chapters also
examine the available evidence on their impact on the
ground. The key points raised in these chapters are as
Chapter Four reveals that the owner occupied sector
has seen the greatest number of new initiatives
introduced during the period under examination, as
four new supports for low-income home buyers have
been established since 1990, along with numerous
reforms to the more longstanding schemes which
target households of this type such as the local
authority housing loans and the tenant purchase
scheme. The number and variety of the supports now
available for low-income home buyers should help to
address the full spectrum of need created by the
developments in the housing market examined in
Chapter Two. However, these complex arrangements
obviously raise administrative challenges and there is
some variation in the level of take-up of the
individual schemes and also over time and geographically.
Chapter Five which examines private renting
suggests that the longstanding decline of this tenure
may have been reversed in recent years. In addition,
this sector has recently been the subject of extensive
intervention by government on the recommendation
of the Commission on the Private Rented Residential
Sector that reported in 2000.Many of these interventions
are legislated for in the Residential Tenancies
Bill which was being considered by the Oireachtas at
the time of writing. It is premature to assess the
impact of these developments at this stage.However,
they have the potential to improve the rights of
tenancy of tenants in this sector, address affordability
issues and improve housing standards; their
achievements in this regard should be kept under
Chapter Six examines the policy developments in the
social rented sector over the last decade. It highlights
three principal categories of reform. Firstly, levels of
social housing output have been increased significantly
since the mid-1990s to meet growing social
housing need. Secondly, efforts have been made to
diversify the sources of provision, as in addition to
increased building of social housing by local
authorities, output by voluntary and co-operative
bodies has also increased. Thirdly, the social housing
policy agenda broadened beyond the traditional
focus on matching the quantity of dwellings provided
with housing need, and qualitative issues such as the
design, planning, management and regeneration of
the social rented stock were afforded more attention.
These reforms raise a number of challenges for policy
makers and practitioners in the housing field. These
include: the financing of social housing output; the
governance of more complex arrangements for social
housing provision and the establishment of systems
to assess the success of measures to promote
improved social housing design and management.
Chapter Seven examines the various supports that
are available to the sections of the population with
special housing and accommodation needs, e.g.
members of the Traveller community, homeless
people, older people, people with a disability and
asylum seekers and refugees. It reveals that some of
these provisions have had a mixed impact in practice
and suggests that they merit further examination in
order to identify appropriate reforms.
Type of Material
Stationery Office
Copyright (Published Version)
2003 Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government
Status of Item
Not peer reviewed
This item is made available under a Creative Commons License
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