Gender and Irish Drug Policy: Report submitted to the working group as part of the 'Implementing a gender approach in different drug policy areas: from prevention, care and treatment service to law enforcement' project
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Date Available
This report outlines initial aspects of gender and Irish drug policy and has been submitted as part of the working group processes of the ‘Implementing a gender approach in different drug policy areas’project. The report has been compiled collaboratively by the authors, who represent and work within different elements of the state and community responses to drug misuse in Ireland. Given the current context of the Covid19 pandemic, consultation with key stakeholders in relation to the content of this report was limited to some extent. The report responds to key questions set by the working group in regard to drug policy in Ireland, including; gender within current drug policy; transgender and/or intersex persons within service delivery; stakeholders at national level; obstacles to the integration of a gender sensitive approach; and benefits to society and health and well-being of target groups of adapting and implementing a gender sensitive approach. This paper is the Irish input to a working group on a gendered approach to drugs policy, established by the Pompidou Group, the drug policy cooperation platform of the Council of Europe.
Type of Material
Technical Report
University College Dublin and Department of Health (Ireland)
Status of Item
Not peer reviewed
This item is made available under a Creative Commons License
Gender and Drug Policy Irish report April 2020 final.pdf
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