Now showing 1 - 2 of 2
  • Publication
    Soil properties at the UCD geotechnical research site at Blessington
    Over the past ten years, the Geotechnical Research Group (GRG) at University College Dublin have developed a research site at Blessington, County Wicklow, for the purpose of testing foundation systems. This paper presents the results of field and laboratory tests conducted to obtain the geotechnical parameters of Blessington sand. The in-situ tests included cone penetration and dilatometer tests. Sonic coring was performed in three boreholes at the site and complete recovery was obtained in boreholes up to 14 m deep. Additional disturbed samples were taken from trial pits which were up to 6 m deep. The classification tests performed on samples compared favourably with those inferred from correlations with in-situ test data. The strength, stiffness and mineralogy were also determined by a suite of laboratory tests including SEM imagery, triaxial tests and ring shear testing. The accuracy of conventional correlations in predicting the laboratory measured parameters is discussed.
  • Publication
    A field investigation of vertical footing response on sand
    (Institution of Civil Engineers/Thomas Telford Publishing, 2009-10) ; ;
    This paper presents the results from an experimental programme that studied the factors affecting the bearing resistance of shallow footings in sand. In particular, the tests considered the effects of the footing width and embedment depth on the pressure-settlement response. By comparing the results with field tests on full-scale footings, simple correlations between the bearing pressure mobilised at normalised settlement levels of 5% and 10% of the footing width and the Cone Penetration Test qc value were studied. These correlations were found to be independent of footing size, embedment depth and sand state, although they were affected by creep. The rate of mobilisation of the footing resistance at low settlements was found to be strongly dependent on the initial soil state and the previous loading history. A simple nonlinear elastic soil model was found to adequately predict this response.
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