Now showing 1 - 2 of 2
  • Publication
    Endogenous mode of competition in general equilibrium
    (University College Dublin. School of Economics, 2005-12-12) ;
    This paper endogenises the extent of intra-sectoral competition in a multi-sectoral model of oligopoly in general equilibrium. Firms choose capacity followed by prices. If the benefits of capacity investment in a given sector are below a threshold level, the sector exhibits Bertrand behaviour,otherwise it exhibits Cournot behaviour. By endogenising the threshold parameter in general equilibrium, we show how exogenous shocks alter the mix of sectors between "more" and "less" competitive, or Bertrand and Cournot. The model also has implications for the effects of trade liberalisation and technological change on the relative wages of skilled and unskilled workers.
  • Publication
    On the impact of labor market matching on regional disparities
    (University College Dublin. School of Economics, 2002-11) ;
    We propose a model where imperfect matching between firms and workers on local labor markets leads to spatial agglomeration. We show that the occurrence of spatial agglomeration depends on initial size differences in terms of both number of workers and firms. We analyse the effect of different public policies. In our setting, the effect of a higher level of human capital on regional disparities depends on whether it makes workers more mobile on the labour market or more specialised. Policies that increase workers’ interregional mobility, increase the likelihood that regions diverge. Finally, competition policy is shown to reduce regional disparities.