Nguyen-Thi, HenriHenriNguyen-ThiReinhart, GuillaumeGuillaumeReinhartBrowne, David J.David J.Browne2021-02-242021-02-242017-06-15 23rd ESA Symposium on Rocket and Balloon Programmes and Related Research, Visby, Sweden, 11-15 June 2017The performance of structural metallic materials is associated with the solidification microstructures, which are strongly dependent on gravity effects. Experimentation in a microgravity environment is a unique way to suppress these effects and to provide benchmark data for testing current theories of grain and microstructure formation. This contribution presents a summary of results obtained for directional solidification of Al-Cu alloys within the framework of the XRMON project. It is focussing on (i) the first ever microgravity experiment on solidification with in situ monitoring of metal alloys performed on board a sounding rocket and (ii) solidification experiments performed on board parabolic flights, where the effects of varying gravity level have been studied.enX-ray monitoringMicrogravity conditionsAluminium-copper alloysMASER 13 sounding rocketsIn Situ X-ray Studies of metal alloy solidification in microgravity conditions – The XRMON projectConference Publication2020-05-19AO-2004-046 - CCN No.34200020288/06/NL/VJ