Collier, MarcusMarcusCollier2015-09-012016-07-212015 Sprin2015-10Landscape Ecology Novel ecosystems are anthropogenic landscapes that cannot be returned to their original ecological status. Little is known the social-ecological dynamics of these never-before-seen ecosystems. Less is known of their implications for society, sustainability and transitioning. Objective and methods: This literature review contends that novel ecosystems may be regarded as exemplars of social-ecological resilience and that the exploration of potential opportunities within novel ecosystem theory is being constrained by a lack of investigation. Results: Societal values in relation to novel ecosystems are unknown. Since societal values can influence conservation and restoration policies and practice, it is suggested that future policy prescriptions will need to explore the fundamentals this emerging relationship. Conclusions: It could be contended that such complex issues such as novel ecosystems will demand a science of transition, where the desire is to combine the science of discovery and science of engagement into a normative framework for societal change based on reality and realistic objectives and goals.enThe final publication is available at www.springerlink.comNovel ecosystemsResilienceSocial-ecological systemsTransitioningTransitory landscapesNovel ecosystems and social-ecological resilienceJournal Article3081363136910.1007/s10980-015-0243-z2015-07-30