Stan, SabinaSabinaStanErne, RolandRolandErne2015-11-102015-11-102015 the A2016-06-01European Journal of Industrial Relations relations scholars have argued that east-west labour migration may benefit trade unions in Central and Eastern Europe. By focusing on the distributional aspect of wage policies adopted by two competing Romanian trade unions in the healthcare sector, this article challenges the assumption of a virtuous link between migration, labour shortages and collective wage increases. We show that migration may also displace collective and egalitarian wage policies in favour of individual and marketized ones that put workers in competition with one another. Thus, the question is not so much whether migration leads to wage increases in sending countries, but whether trade unions' wage demands in response to outward migration consolidate collective solidarity and coordination in wage policy-making or support its individualization and commodification.enCollective bargainingRomaniaHealthcareMigrationTrade unionsWage distributionWage equalityIs migration from Central and Eastern Europe an opportunity for trade unions to demand higher wages? Evidence from the Romanian health sectorJournal Article216718310.1177/09596801156107242015-11-09