Gonzalez Merino, AlbertoAlbertoGonzalez MerinoCostas de la Peña, LuisLuisCostas de la PeñaGonzález, ArturoArturoGonzález2016-09-082016-09-082016-08-30http://hdl.handle.net/10197/7909Civil Engineering Research in Ireland (CERI 2016), Galway, Ireland, 29-30 August 2016High Density Spent Fuel Storage racks are steel structures designed to hold nuclear spent fuel assemblies removed from the nuclear power reactor. Weighing around 60 tons, they are 5m high free-standing structures resting on the floor of a 12m depth pool and separated by only a few centimetres. Their underwater seismic response is a troubling safety issue, especially after Fukushima nuclear disaster. However, only limited basic guidelines have been provided as regulatory design criteria to date. The racks’ design deals with a very highly nonlinear behaviour, a transient dynamic response and a fluid-structure interaction problem. Industry is currently using available computer-aided finite element analysis software to solve the design problem in a cost-effective manner but some dispersion of results still exists. Hence, the nuclear regulatory authorities are requiring an evaluation of the current uncertainty associated to the assessment of rack displacements, rocking and maximum forces on supports. This paper discusses the main difficulties faced during the seismic analysis and presents an ad-hoc analysis methodology based on the hydrodynamic mass concept which takes advantage of a simplifying thermal analogy. The methodology, implemented in ANSYS FE Mechanical is hereby described for a reduced scale 2-rack model where the coupling effect of water in the dynamic motion of immersed racks is quantified and displacements and forces are provided. Finally, methodology assumptions are discussed and lessons learnt about the behaviour trends are summarized.enRacksFree-standingFEMDynamic analysisNonlinearFluid-structure interactionHydrodynamic massDynamic analysis of the nonlinear response of high density fuel storage racksConference Publication2016-09-04https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ie/