Cummins, EndaCurran, Thomas P.2016-06-202016-06-202016 the a2016-051649-475X Twenty First Annual Research Review describes the ongoing research programme in the School of Biosystems and Food Engineering at University College Dublin from over 83 researchers (11 academic staff, 1 technician, 4 postdoctoral researchers and 67 postgraduates). The research programme covers three focal areas: Food and Process Engineering; Bioresource Systems; and Bioenvironmental Engineering. Each area is divided into sub-areas as outlined in the Table of Contents which also includes the name of the research scholar (in bold); the research supervisor(s); the title of the research; the nature of the research programme; and the research sponsors. It also includes the noting of four awards for presentational excellence at the Twenty First Annual Biosystems and Food Engineering Research Seminar held in University College Dublin on Monday 14th March 2016. The six Appendices in the Review provide: a listing of research projects in progress which were not included in the Review; profiles of Postdoctoral Research Scholars; a photographic record of postgraduate students; a photographic record of full-time staff; and links to Postgrad Research Activities with YouTube Videos. The Editors gratefully acknowledge the dedicated work of the individual research scholars, their research supervisors and the financial support of research sponsors. Suggestions as to how future editions might be improved in presentation, style or content would be greatly appreciated. The review also includes papers from the School’s Taught Masters Programmes as follows: ME - Biosystems and Food Engineering <> MEngSc – Food Engineering <> MSc – Environmental Technology <> MSc – Sustainable Energy and Green Technologies <>.enBiosystems EngineeringFoodEnvironmentEnergyBiosystems and Food Engineering Research Review 21Book2016-06-20