Mercer, VinceVinceMercerSten Madesen, KarenKarenSten MadesenKeenan, MarieMarieKeenanZinsstag, EstelleEstelleZinsstag2015-10-162015-10-162015 Leuve2015-05 is now a growing body of research evidence which supports the application of Restorative justice (RJ) in cases of severe harm, such as sexual violence (SV). Conventional criminal justice processes can be especially difficult for victims of SV and many victims report dissatisfaction with criminal justice processes. RJ offers an additional approach which can be moulded to the needs of the individual victims. The central focus of this practice guide is on creating safety in practice for victims of SV who wish to meet with their offender. We accept that RJ is not desired by all victims of sexual crime. However, for those who do desire RJ every opportunity for safe practice ought to be afforded to them in responding to their need. That is the aim of this practice guide. We offer guidance on how to engage with the parties to RJ in SV cases safely and in a manner that meets the psychological and emotional needs of all, most especially of the victims and offenders.enTraumaVictimOffenderRestorative justiceSexual violenceRestorative practiceDoing restorative justice in cases of sexual violence: A practice guideBook2015-09-17