McIntyre, T.J.T.J.McIntyre2016-01-122016-10-012016 Edwar2016-049781785365850 chapter examines how judicial oversight can regulate secret state surveillance, with a particular focus on Irish, European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) and European Union (EU) law. It begins by considering the general arguments for judicial oversight and the types of oversight structures which can be used. It then examines the extent to which Irish, ECHR and EU law require judicial oversight in particular circumstances. Next, it takes as a case study the Irish experience of data retention. It concludes with suggestions for improving the effectiveness of judicial involvement in surveillance.enEdward Elgar Publishing is the source and copyright holder of the work, and the article cannot be used for any other purpose elsewhere. The chapter is for private use only.Digital Rights IrelandSurveillancePrivacyJudicial oversightWarrantInterception of communicationsData retentionJudicial Oversight of Surveillance: The Case of Ireland in Comparative PerspectiveBook Chapter2015-11-23