Dalton, MichelleMichelleDaltonTumelty, NiamhNiamhTumelty2015-09-172015-09-172014-04ALISS Quarterly17479258http://hdl.handle.net/10197/7055The Information Literacy Journal Club (http://infolitjournalclub.blogspot.co.uk/) is an online discussion group that focuses on information literacy and other aspects of user education. The journal club was originally set up on the Blogger platform in December 2012 by Niamh Tumelty (University of Cambridge) and Sheila Webber (University of Sheffield), and since then the community involved has grown to include a range of professionals interested in the area.enInformation literacyProfessional developmentInformation Literacy Journal ClubJournal Article93242014-05-29https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ie/