Kitchen, Jonathan A.Jonathan A.KitchenBarry, Dawn E.Dawn E.BarryMercs, LaszloLaszloMercsAlbrecht, MartinMartinAlbrechtPeacock, Robert D.Robert D.PeacockGunnlaugsson, ThorfinnurThorfinnurGunnlaugsson2012-06-072012-06-072012 WILEY2012-01-16Angewandte Chemie International Edition development of novel chiral amphiphilic self-assembled complexes 13Eu and 23Eu by using Europium(III) directed synthesis is described. These systems form stable Langmuir films at an air-water interface, which were transferred onto solid supports (quartz slides) resulting in stable monolayers that exhibit time delayed Eu(III) centered emission and circular polarized luminescence (CPL) upon excitation of the chiral naphthyl antennae.2289356 bytesapplication/pdfenThis is the author's version of the following article: Kitchen, J. A., Barry, D. E., Mercs, L., Albrecht, M., Peacock, R. D. and Gunnlaugsson, T. (2012), Circularly Polarized Lanthanide Luminescence from Langmuir–Blodgett Films Formed from Optically Active and Amphiphilic EuIII-Based Self-Assembly Complexes. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 51: 704–708 which has been published in final form at chemistryChiralityThin films, MultilayeredRare earth metalsLuminescenceSurface chemistryCircularly polarized lanthanide luminescence from Langmuir-Blodgett films formed from optically active and amphiphilic Eu(III) based self-assembly complexesJournal Article51370470810.1002/anie.201106863