Bullock, CraigCraigBullockCollier, MarcusMarcusCollierConvery, Frank J.Frank J.Convery2012-12-032012-12-032012-10Land Use Policyhttp://hdl.handle.net/10197/3953The threat of climate change has focused attention on those environments with high capacity for carbon storage. Peatlands are one such environment in that they both sequester CO2 from the atmosphere and are also a major store of carbon. However, the world's peatlands are everywhere under threat. This includes in Ireland where, while still a feature of many rural areas, less than third of the country's original area of peatland remains intact. The sustainable management of the remaining peatland necessitates an action plan including the evidence by which to evaluate choices. It also requires an articulation of a vision for peatland in the decades to come. In this respect, peatlands are an environmental asset, but also a social and economic resource. Any framework for their management and restoration must be able to deal with the social and political decision making process and demonstrate a respect for the diverse range of public and private goods that peatlands provide.enPeatPeatlandsCarbonBiodiversityPublic goodsPeatland management--IrelandCarbon cycle (Biogeochemistry)Peatlands--Economic aspectsPeatlands--Environmental aspectsBiodiversityPeatlands, their public good value and priorities for their future management - the example of IrelandJournal Article29492192810.1016/j.landusepol.2012.01.0102012-11-08https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ie/