O'Brien, Eugene J.Eugene J.O'BrienZnidaric, AlesAlesZnidaricBaumgärtner, WernerWernerBaumgärtnerGonzález, ArturoArturoGonzálezMcNulty, PeterPeterMcNultyet al.2018-01-042018-01-042001-06961-90366-1-1http://hdl.handle.net/10197/9140The objective of the WAVE project was to effect a significant step forward for those responsible for road networks, through the following actions: Improve the capacity of conventional WIM systems to accurately estimate static loads from measurements of dynamic impact forces applied by axles, through use of arrays of sensors whose combined results can allow for the dynamic interaction between vehicle and pavement. Develop and improve the functioning and accuracy of bridge-based WIM systems through more sophisticated vehicle/bridge interaction modelling and data processing. Develop common data structures, formats and quality assurance procedures to facilitate the exchange and comparison of WIM data throughout Europe, to increase confidence in such data and to provide reliable management information to decision makers. Perform tests of WIM systems to assess their durability and performance in various climatic conditions, particularly in cold regions where pavements deform and are weaker during the thaw and sensors are susceptible to studded tyres and de-icing salt. Develop standardised calibration methods and procedures by improving existing methods and extending their applicability to all European climates and types of WIM system. Develop and implement a new WIM technology, based on an innovative fibre optic sensor which has considerable potential in terms of quality and the extent of information provided and its insensitivity to harsh climatic conditions.This project constituted a strategic policy initiative to confirm the Europe's leadership in WIM. It led to the development of new technologies such as advanced multiple sensor and bridge WIM systems, a quality assurance procedure to be implemented in a pan-European database, data about the behaviour of WIM systems in harsh environments, an improvement in calibration procedures and the development of a new European optic-fibre WIM technology. That will help road and transport decision makers.enBridge weigh-in-motionB-WIMWeighing-In-Motion of Axles and Vehicles for Europe (WAVE) WP1.2: Bridge WIM SystemsTechnical Report2017-11-28https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ie/