Andrade Pereira, Flavia deFlavia deAndrade PereiraShaw, ConorConorShawMartín-Toral, SusanaSusanaMartín-ToralHernández, Jose L.Jose L.HernándezSanz Jimeno, RobertoRobertoSanz JimenoFinn, DonalDonalFinnO'Donnell, JamesJamesO'Donnell2024-06-062024-06-062022 Europ2022-07-26978-88-7590-226-12684-1150 2022 European Conference on Computing in Construction (EC3), Ixia, Rhodes, Greece, 24-26 July 2022Integration between Building Information Modelling (BIM) and Building Automation Systems (BAS) can provide valuable, accurate and real-time data and control for context-aware Demand-Side Management (DSM). Despite recent efforts to enable smart, efficient and grid-interactive buildings leveraging BIM and BAS, their interoperability remains limited. According to the literature, ontology driven architectures provide a promising direction for enabling seamless data exchange. This review qualitatively analyses eight BIM and BAS ontologies to determine their suitability for context-aware DSM. By mitigating interoperability issues within DSM mechanisms, the use of ontologies can promote energy flexibility, environmental comfort, operational efficiency and reduced energy costs.enDemand-side managementContext-awareOntologyBuilding automation systemsBuilding information modellingInteroperabilityTowards semantic interoperability for demand-side management: a review of BIM and BAS ontologiesConference Publication10.35490/ec3.2022.1542022-09-29