NíFhaoláin, LabhaoiseLabhaoiseNíFhaoláinHines, AndrewAndrewHinesNallur, VivekVivekNallur2021-08-092021-08-092020 the A2020-12-081613-0073http://hdl.handle.net/10197/12396The 28th Irish Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science, Dublin, Republic of Ireland, 7-8 December 2020While Artificial Intelligence (AI) is near ubiquitous, there is no effective control framework within which it is being advanced. Without a control framework, trustworthiness of AI is impacted. This negatively affects adoption of AI and reduces its potential for social benefit. For international trade and technology cooperation, effective regulatory frameworks need to be created. This study presents a thematic analysis of national AI strategies for European countries in order to assess the appetite for an AI regulatory framework. A Declaration of Cooperation on AI was signed by EU members and non-members in 2018. Many of the signatories have adopted national strategies on AI. In general there is a high level of homogeneity in the national strategies. An expectation of regulation, in some form, is expressed in the strategies, though a reference to AI specific legislation is not universal. With the exception of some outliers, international cooperation is supported. The shape of effective AI regulation has not been agreed upon by stakeholders but governments are expecting and seeking regulatory frameworks. This indicates an appetite for regulation. The international focus has been on regulating AI solutions and not on the regulation of individuals. The introduction of a professional regulation system may be a complementary or alternative regulatory strategy. Whether the appetite and priorities seen in Europe are mirrored worldwide will require a broader study of the national AI strategy landscape.enArtificial intelligenceRegulationTrustworthinessAssessing the Appetite for Trustworthiness and the Regulation of Artificial Intelligence in EuropeConference Publication2021-01-0718/CRT/6183https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ie/