Warren, GraemeMoucheron, Martin2023-11-172023-11-172022-07-01http://hdl.handle.net/10197/24991CHAGS13, University College Dublin, June 27-July 1 2022CHAGS13 took place from 27th June to 2nd July in University College Dublin, Ireland, and is convened by Prof. Graeme Warren. With 250+ papers across 30 sessions, an exciting academic programme explored the Conference theme: “Living Well Together”, combined with a host of unique activities and experiences and Irish craíc for an unforgettable week!enAcademic conferencesHadza peopleChanging climatesCultural adaptationBiological adaptationHunter-gatherer societiesUniversity College Dublin13th Conference on Hunting and Gathering Societies: CHAGS13Conference Publicationhttps://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ie/