DuPont, QuinnQuinnDuPont2024-07-192024-07-192024 the A2024-07-01978-1-83549-600-8 essay critically evaluates the political economy of Web3 and offers a neo-institutional model to explain qualitative observations of contemporary digital social movements. By starting to develop a sociological model of Web3 rooted in micro-organizational practices, including trust mediation and social coproduction, this essay re-evaluates assumptions of scarcity, economic value, and social belonging. It concludes by introducing a novel research programme to study digital polycentric governance that focuses on community self-governance of digital common pool resources (DCPRs) and looks forward to empirical research using on-chain datasets from Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs).en© 2024 Quinn DuPont. This AAM is provided for your own personal use only. It may not be used for resale, reprinting, systematic distribution, emailing, or for any other commercial purpose without the permission of the publisher.Decentralized autonomous organizationsDigital commonsNeoinstitutional theoryPolycentric governanceProgressive Web3A Progressive Web3: From Social Coproduction to Digital Polycentric GovernanceBook Chapter10.1108/S0733-558X20240000089005