Erne, RolandRolandErne2018-03-062018-03-062019 Cambr2019-07 the adoption of the so-called Six-Pack of EU laws on economic governance in 2011, EU interventions retrenched social welfare and collective labour rights in almost all EU member states. This chapter therefore aims to contribute to a better understanding of the EU's economic governance regime (NEG) and the conceptual, methodological and political questions that it is raising.enThis material has been published in The Crisis behind the Eurocrisis: The Eurocrisis as a Multidimensional Systemic Crisis of the EU by Eva Nanopoulos (Editor), Fotis Vergis (Editor). This version is free to view and download for personal use only. Not for re-distribution, re-sale or use in derivative works. © Cambridge University PressEuro-crisisLabour politicsMethodological nationalismEuropean UnionSix-packHow To Analyse A Supranational Regime That Nationalises Social Conflict? The European Crisis, Labour Politics and Methodological NationalismBook Chapter2018-02-05