Now showing 1 - 9 of 9
  • Publication
    "Deficient in love-interest": The Sexual Politics of the Office in Canadian Fiction
    (Universidad del Rosario, 2012)
    Using the concerns of the period over female workers’ susceptibility to office romance and sexual harassment as a starting point, this article will explore the depiction of secretaries and stenographers in Grant Allen’s The Type-Writer Girl (1897) and Bertrand Sinclair’s North of Fifty-Three (1914). It will examine the pressure to gain economic independence and personal autonomy through office work, alongside the need to conform to cultural ideologies, which still argue for women’s destiny to be centred on marriage and children. Did the working-girl literature of this era support and endorse the image of the independent, hard-working, emotionally fulfilled working woman? Or was women’s clerical labour instead seen merely as another step in their ‘natural’ evolution from girls to mothers? This article will also uncover whether the fictional office was presented as a site of potential female growth and autonomy, or as a hostile and dangerous space where women should escape from as soon as possible for the safety of the home. (Spanish): Con base en las preocupaciones de la época sobre la susceptibilidad al romance y acoso sexual de la trabajadora de oficina, este artículo propone explorar la representación de secretarias y taquígrafas en TheType-Writer Girl (1897), de Grant Allan, y en North of Fifty-Three (1914), de Bertrand Sinclair. Se mirará la presión para adquirir la independencia económica y autonomía personal a través del trabajo en oficina. También, la necesidad de ajustarse a ideologías presentes en la sociedad, que abogaban un destino predeterminado de matrimonio e hijos para la mujer. Se pregunta si el género de literatura workinggirl de esos tiempos abogaba la imagende la mujer independiente, trabajadora y emocionalmente realizada, o si el trabajo de oficina era interpretado como un paso natural hacia una evolución de niñas a madres. Este artículo también cuestiona si la oficina ficcional fue presentada como una ubicación de autonomía y potencial femeninos, o si fue vista como un espacio hostil y peligroso del que debería escapar lo más pronto posible para mantener la seguridad del hogar.
  • Publication
    The spectacular traveling woman: Australian and Canadian visions of Women, Modernity, and Mobility between the Wars
    (Berghahn Books, 2017-01-01)
    This article applies recent scholarship concerned with transatlantic mobility and print cultures to a comparative study of images of transpacific travel for women during the interwar period. During the 1920s and 1930s female travelers splashed spectacularly across the pages of mainstream, popular magazines produced in America, Britain, and the wider Anglophone world. Focusing on two magazines that launched in this era, Th e Australian Woman's Mirror (1924- 1961) and Chatelaine (1928-), this article explores Australian and Canadian fictional portrayals of the traveling woman of the interwar years to examine the ways in which the mobility of the modern girl became a screen for anxieties and fantasies of these two national print imaginaries. By paying attention to the different portrayals of female mobility through the Pacific from both sides of the ocean, this article also considers the intersection between actual travel, ideas about travel, and notions of gendered social mobility.
      303Scopus© Citations 2
  • Publication
    Rose-tinted ideals and the threat of spinsterhood: Teaching and maternalism in Anne of Avonlea (1909) (Idéaux édulcorés et la menace du statut de "vieille fille": L'enseignement et le maternalisme dans Anne of Avonlea (1909)
    (Liverpool University Press, 2016-01-01)
    Concentrating on L.M. Montgomery’s often overlooked Anne sequel Anne of Avonlea(1909), this article interrogates the representation of Anne-as-teacher, particularly focusing on the ways in which Montgomery extends this role beyond the confines of the schoolhouse. It explores the ways Anne’s ‘teaching’ is presented to the reader as both a mode of employment and a route for her own personal development that both draws upon and extends her seemingly innate maternalism. It also examines the extent to which Montgomery’s intended narrative destiny for Anne was shaped by both societal expectations of the period regarding young women, and by the conventions of the domestic romance genre itself. This article intends to encourage new evaluations and reassessment of the Anne sequels by drawing attention to the conflicting relationships between writing, paid work, and gender in this period, which both Montgomery and her protagonist were forced to overcome. En se concentrant sur Anne of Avonlea (1909), la suite souvent négligée du roman Anne, cet article interroge la représentation d’Anne en tant que professeur dans ce roman en s’intéressant particulièrement aux manières dont Montgomery étend ce rôle au-delà des limites de l’école. Il explore les manières dont ‘l’enseignement’ d’Anne est présenté au lecteur à la fois comme activité professionnelle et comme un cheminement de son développement personnel qui puise dans ce maternalisme en apparence inné et l’approfondit. Il examine également à quel point la destinée narrative prévue pour Anne par Montgomery fut formée tant par les attentes sociétales de la période envers les jeunes femmes que par les conventions gouvernant le genre de la romance domestique elle-même. Cet article a pour intention d’encourager de nouvelles appréciations et relations conflictuelles entre l’écriture, le travail rémunéré et le genre à cette période qui ont dues être surmontées aussi bien par Montgomery que par sa protagoniste.
  • Publication
    Place, Platform, and Value: Periodicals and the Pacific in Late Colonial Modernity
    Conceptualizing the 1920s and 30s as an historical era of new media, we explore how leisure and culture magazines vied for consumer and cultural capital alongside other media platforms that they featured and reviewed, thus crossing and constructing hierarchies of value. In Part One, we advance a conceptual discussion that brings together explorations of colonialism and modernity to consider the Pacific basin as a region captured by rapidly expanding and internationalizing mass media. We introduce Madianou and Miller’s theory of polymedia to focus on how magazines function as an “integrated structure” featuring different media of varying cultural value. Using their framework, we consider magazines published on the Pacific basin as hosts of cultural material and “host platforms” through which editors and readers participated in constructing modernizing, mediated visions of the Pacific. In Part Two, we advance brief case studies of The BP Magazine (Australia, 1928-1942) and Sunset (USA, 1898-), using polymedia theory as a tool to explore how these magazines related to the Pacific—and remediated Pacific content—in shared yet distinct ways.
  • Publication
    L.M. Montgomery and Canadian mass-market magazines
    (Liverpool University Press, 2015-01-01)
    Despite L.M. Montgomery's voluminous presence in the North American periodical marketplace throughout her literary career, critical studies of Montgomery largely remain focused on her novels and journals. This article examines Montgomery's short fiction and feature submissions to the Canadian mass-market magazines Chatelaine and the Canadian Home Journal. It analyses the editorial commentary, page layout, and illustrations which appeared alongside the text of the stories themselves, in order to examine the way in which Montgomery's work was framed and presented on the pages of periodicals. Through a close analysis of a few of Montgomery's non-fiction contributions to Chatelaine, it also explores the ways in which she shaped and controlled her public status as a 'celebrity' author late in her career. This article thus aims to build towards a wider understanding of Montgomery's literary outputs and her successful navigation of the Canadian literary marketplace.
      416Scopus© Citations 1
  • Publication
    Aboriginal Mobilities and Colonial Serial Fiction
    (Australian Literary Studies, 2021-04-30)
    This article combines Indigenous mobility studies with recent work on seriality and periodical form to examine how the structural necessities of serialised periodical fiction reinforced representations of settler and Aboriginal mobilities for Australian readers across the nineteenth century. It considers the limits or gaps in the project of Australian settlement that these serial texts highlight through an exploration of how settler authors formulated ideologically acceptable and more ‘suspect’ manifestations of Aboriginal mobilities and persistence. Building upon Katherine Bode’s work in World of Fiction (2018) on Aboriginal presence in nineteenth-century Australian periodical fiction, this article considers how the structure of the serial itself worked to reinforce – and occasionally disrupt – perceptions of Aboriginal-settler frontier violence and white supremacy. It also explores moments of settler discomfort and unsettlement in these serial texts that operate as counterpoints to the larger imperatives of this periodical fiction to support and reinforce the colonial project. By aligning the disruptive potential of these serial narratives and their representations of Aboriginal and settler mobilities, I argue we can uncover moments when these texts appear to resist the rhetoric of forward momentum and advancement traditionally associated with narratives of colonial modernity.
  • Publication
    Among The Autumn Authors: Books and Writers in Interwar Australian Magazines
    (Routledge, 2020-12-23) ;
    This chapter explores the ways in which the literary features of The Home and The BP Magazine played a small but significant role in introducing their readers to Australian writers and their work in an era when the publishing industry in this country was still profoundly underdeveloped. These magazines situated Australian writers amid contemporary authors and books from Britain, America, and elsewhere, and discussed their work in ways that positioned them within the currents of international modernity. Viewing these quality magazines in terms of their target readerships, and for the ways books and authors were discussed within their pages, affords different perspectives on the canonical Australian writers presented in their pages alongside international authors of their day. Further, reading interwar magazines for their affirmative relationships to Australian writers also provides ways of considering authors in relation to their own contemporaneity, including emerging models of modern literary fame adapted from overseas.
  • Publication
    Making Friends of the Nations: Australian Interwar Magazines and Middlebrow Orientalism in the Pacific
    (Berghahn Books, 2016-12-01) ;
    As travel began to massify in the aftermath of the Great War when passenger ships still regularly stopped at ports of call, and as Australia developed a sub-imperial relationship to its near Melanesian neighbors in Papua and New Guinea, the Pacific and its islands loomed large in Australians’ consciousness and print culture. This article employs Christina Klein’s concept of “middlebrow orientalism” to examine how Australia’s quality magazines, MAN and The BP Magazine, reflected an “expansive material and symbolic investment in Asia and the Pacific” (2003: 11) between the two world wars. While development of a consumerist, leisure relationship with the region is in evidence in these magazines that undoubtedly assume the superiority of White Australia, we argue they also promote diversity, inclusiveness, and an emerging maturity in outlook that conveyed the way in which Australians began to understand themselves as Pacific citizens wishing to “make friends of the nations.”
  • Publication
    “Like iron and whisky": Nursing and Marriage in Fin de Siècle English Canadian Fiction
    (The Feminist Press, 2016)
    This article explores the central conflicts surrounding Canadian nursing and how this profession was depicted in the fiction of the period. It considers the extent to which Canadian configurations of the New Woman were both activated and muted by this era's often contradictory maternal-feminist rhetoric, discussing the constraints it placed upon authors and the destinies they could provide for their heroines. Focusing on the representation of nursing in Jessie Kerr Lawson's Dr Bruno's Wife (1893) and Grant Allen's Hilda Wade (1899), this article interrogates whether these fictional nurses maintained a rhetoric of female subjection and submissiveness or whether the novel instead acted as a site of agency and subversion for nurses and, perhaps, for the figure of the New Woman more broadly.